
Everything you need to know about using OSS in your application

OSS application

Table of Contents


In today’s fast-paced tech environment, speed and efficiency are critical for developing a successful software as a service (SaaS) solution. Fast development, frequent releases, and cost-effective strategies are essential. However, building a robust software solution from scratch is challenging and resource-intensive.
Open source solutions offer a powerful way to accelerate your SaaS development, allowing you to validate ideas quickly and minimize costs. If you want to hear a more comprehensive opinion, facts and examples about using OSS in your app, watch our full YouTube video, here.

The three Cs of Open Source Integration

After working with hundreds of clients, we identified three key ways to integrate open source solutions into your SaaS business: Core, Complementary, and Collaborative. Let’s explore each in detail.

1. Core


Building your app on top of an open source solution is a high-risk, high-impact strategy. This approach is ideal for quickly getting to market to validate your idea. For instance, if you’re developing a scheduling tool similar to Calendly, you can use, an open source scheduling automation tool, as your core. This allows you to focus on unique features that differentiate your product.
  • Rapid development and market entry
  • Continuous updates from the open source community
  • Access to a broad developer base for free
  • Quick identification of security issues
  • Limited flexibility in changing the core tech stack and architecture
OSS - core

2. Complementary

Expanding your app using open source solutions can reduce development time and costs. This medium-risk, medium-impact approach involves integrating existing open source tools for non-core features, allowing you to focus on unique selling points.
  • Unleash: An open source feature flag system for A/B testing and feature rollouts.
  • Keycloak: An open source identity and access management tool for user authentication and authorization.
  • Strapi: A headless content management system for managing in-app content.
  • Saves development time and resources
  • Focuses internal efforts on unique, value-added features
OSS- complementary


Using open source solutions to support your app without direct integration poses the lowest risk. These tools interact with your application externally, providing auxiliary functionality.
  • An open source workflow automation tool for integrating various services and APIs.
  • Novu: A notification infrastructure for sending emails, in-app notifications, and SMS messages.
  • Metabase: An open source data visualization platform for creating dashboards and reports.
  • Minimal risk to core functionality
  • Enhances app capabilities without internal development

Practical examples of Open Source Integration

1.     Feature Management System:
  • Use Unleash to manage feature flags and conduct A/B testing without building an in-house system.
2.     Authentication and Authorization:
  • Implement Keycloak for robust user authentication and authorization, reducing development time.
3.     Content Management System:
  • Integrate Strapi to manage in-app content, freeing up resources for developing unique features.

Recommended approach for using Open Source Solutions

Depending on your stage of growth, your approach to open source integration should vary:
1.     Startup Phase:
  • Use as many open source solutions as possible to accelerate development and validate your idea quickly.
2.     SME Phase:
  • Balance open source and proprietary development. Focus on internal development for core, unique features while using open source for non-core functionalities.
3.     Enterprise Phase:
  • Limit the use of open source to non-critical functions to minimize risk. Your focus should be on stability and security.
phases of a business


Leveraging open source solutions can significantly accelerate your SaaS development, reduce costs, and help you bring your product to market faster.
By understanding and applying the three Cs—Core, Complementary, and Collaborative—you can strategically integrate open source tools to enhance your application’s functionality while maintaining focus on your unique value propositions.
Use open source solutions wisely according to your business stage to maximize benefits and minimize risks.


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